User Unfriendly A Practical Guide to Losing Control
User Unfriendly A Practical Guide to Losing Control
Design 4 Drupal — June 27, 2019
Drupal website from 2006 - v4.7
No Susy
slides showing grid diagrams and calculations, above a picture and bio of Natalie Downe
Susy is based on Natalie Downe’s CSS Systems
A grid of colorful nested boxes with lorem-ipsum text, titled ‘Complicated Nesting AG test’
And Nicole Sullivan’s OOCSS
Re-imagined in Sass (I’m now a member of the core team)
First git commit of Susy on GitHub, credited to Carl Meyer, 2009-07-13
I created my GitHub account later that day
Three children at a table – playing Magic, The Gathering
OddBird siblings (Jonny, Carl, and Miriam) in 1994
A young man is collapsed on the ground, wrapped in cardboard and surrounded by packing peanuts. His face is hidden, as he cups his sisters hand between his. She seems frustrated, sittting next to him.
New World Arts 2006 production of “Hello and Goodbye” (Athol Fugard)
Anne Bogart
SITI Company
A woman is collapsed on the ground, surrounded by confetti or torn paper. A man next to her leans in, holding a clear briefcase.
SITI Company 2017 production of “Hanjo” (Yukio Mishima)
Anne Bogart’s Viewpoints book cover
Mary Overlie’s original “Viewpoints” were envisioned for dance
Ensemble Devised Theater
Like Agile™, for Theater…
You cannot create results. You can only create conditions in which something might happen.
Our Process
Making Things With People
Conditions for Creation
Our Product
Making Things For People
Conditions for Interaction
chapter 1
Making Things For People
Ideas =>
User Experiences
Performative Turn(s)
row of urinals
upside-down urinal, signed R. Mutt
Marcel Duchamp Fountain, 1917, photograph by Alfred Stieglitz
The woman who really made Duchamp’s ‘Fountain’ – multisexual performance artiste Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven
a.k.a. R Mutt – sent it to Duchamp several days before he “created” it
The Lone Genius Myth *
Down with that sort of thing!
* Except for Miriam who came up with all of this on her own without any outside influence at all, because she’s sooooooo smart and absolutely in control.
Lone Genius
Lone Genius
Riding SideSaddle* – a novel by Miriam Eric Suzanne
Text editor with English and Spanish drafts of my novel
Shuffling the sidesaddle cards
Teacup Gorilla at Larimer Lounge
2016 True West Award in Theater
We Choose The Medium
(and we often mix media)
Theater ==
Dance +
Words +
Architecture +
Lights +
Web ==
Text +
Media +
Interactions +
Semantics +
screenshot of web page markdown, templates, and output html
screenshot of web page markup
screenshot of web page without CSS
screenshot of web page with CSS (now with a whole new look)
Looks pretty cool, but having the menu and the text rotated like that just makes them super difficult to read…
—Dude, Online
What is User Friendly?
Altered ‘What Women Want’ movie poster says ‘What Users Want’
[Drum Roll, Please]
Users Are All Different
experiences, associations, skills, limitations
Ray Charles – You Don’t Know Me album cover
Don’t take my word for it, trust Ray Charles
No One is an Edge Case
Everyone is an Edge Case
A Queer Theory Primer…
“Strange” or “Peculiar”
1800’s: becomes a (sexual) insult
1980’s/90’s: Reclaimed
A big tent movement
“We’re all the same”
We’re All Different
…but our struggles & identities intersect…
“We’re normal too”
“Normal” is Suspect
Who Defines it? Who Benefits?
“Normal” points to a power-imbalance…
Girl with a ‘skin color’ bandaid significantly lighter than her skin
Are you a man or a woman? man, woman, other
Hat tip @GenderTitle
“Othering”, like literally
First Name / Last Name?
(and that name never changes…)
Single “Real” Identity?
(and no code switching ever)
Under an increasing pressure to monetize the data they store, Facebook looks for ways to limit difference across the site.
—Ben Grosser, How the Technological Design of Facebook Homogenizes Identity and Limits Personal Representation
Turns Out Algorithms Are Racist
New Republic, August 31, 2017
👨 <-
Who Benefits?
Masculine emojis
Feminine emojis
Various people emojis
Empathy is Not Enough
Listening > Imagining
A Twitter cofounder says a more diverse team would have addressed abuse earlier. Science says he’s probably right.
No shit, Ev. From Business Insider
Ask Them
Ask Different People
Users are Experts
Users are Experts
Users are Experts
Users are Experts
Users are Experts
Users are Experts
Users are Experts
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
Henry FordJohn McNeece (kinda)
User Expertise:
- End Goals
- Existing Solutions
- Points of Failure
User Blind Spots:
- Interface Design
Ask about Problems, not Solutions
works with art feedback as well…
Always Ask Why
look for the root causes…
Analyze Patterns
common pain-points, related issues, etc…
Recognize Personal Bias
When the Problem is in Act V, The Solution is Often in Act I
Set Meaningful Goals
click-through rates are not universal success
Impact or Immersive
Jon Tan speaking at An Event Apart
Enacted or Emergent
Jon Tan speaking at An Event Apart
Do I want to create work in which everyone feels the same, or everyone feels differently?
—Anne Bogart, A Director Prepares
Know Your Innovation Budget
screenshot of web page with CSS (now with a whole new look)
Shuffling the sidesaddle cards
Test & Trust
Users spend most of their time on other sites. This means that users prefer your website to work the same way as all the other sites they already know.
Wireframe with top logo and navigation,
a hero image that says we're unique
and three columns featuring large icons.
“All Websites Look The Same” from NoVolume
It takes craft to set up the circumstances that are simple and yet contain the ambiguities and the incongruity of human experience.
—Anne Bogart, A Director Prepares
What’s in a Medium?
Web has a Mission:
Web for all.
Web on everything.
—World Wide Web Consortium, 1989
Screenshot of first world wide website
CERN first website, with line-mode browser simulation
Old IBM desktop
All iPhones
Several tablets
100s of mobile Devices
Lineup of smart watches
Braille computer attachment and headphones
The Web is…
Accessible by Design
The Web is…
Contextual by Design
The Web is…
Resilient by Design
The Web is…
Customizable by Design
The Web Model
Is User-Controlled By Design
HTML/CSS are Declarative
Too Many Variables
Saqib Bhatti – ‘HTML developer cannot be compared to a C/C++, Java language developer.’ Eric Meyer – ‘That’s actually true: HTML developers work in a much harder problem space.’
@meyerweb claps back on Twitter
The fact we can control a paper page is really a limitation of that medium.
—John Allsopp, A Dao of Web Design (April 07, 2000)
Affordances & Constraints
Broadly Accessible
Limited Authorial Control
Limited Business Control?
Bootstrapping vs Plug-and-play
Augmenting Human Intellect
Douglas Engelbart demos modern computing
Douglas Engelbart, The Mother of All Demos (1968) | the mouse, hypertext, view switching, networked computers, early GUI
Providing the means for users to create better tools.
Users are Experts
Users are Experts
Users are Experts
Users are Experts
Users are Experts
Users are Experts
Any barrier that exists between the user and some part of the system will eventually be a barrier to creative expression.
—“Design Principles Behind Smalltalk” (Byte 1981)
No Susy
Susy is written in Sass, and used in Sass
It Just Works
Steve Jobs sitting cross-legged hugging an early Mac
Steve Jobs, Apple II (1993)
Identical, Easy-to-Use, Low-Cost Appliance
All iPhones
“Intuitive” or “Invisible”?
chart of common touch gestures
“Open” or “Adaptable”?
Raspberry Pi Kit vs Tablet
It Depends
Empowering, Finite, Inclusive, Respectful, Thoughtful, Transparent
Humane By Design Principles
Solve real problems. For real people. Using software when it’s the best option.
Twitter thread playing with a tech version of Michael Pollan’s food rules.
chapter 2
Making Things With People
Delegate and Present
balancing solo & group time is essential
Present Context & Tradeoffs
establish yourself as a teammate…
Mind Games Always Backfire
No Lone Genius*
No 10x-ers
* Except for Miriam
skydivers with text ‘No Miriam in Team’
“Experimental” is a Process
hypothesis » test » adjust
Not a reason to make people sit through shitty performance art…
[Agile] Cycles
1. Define the Seed:
What’s the idea, question, or hypothesis?
2. Explore:
Research, gather, and create the materials…
3. Organize:
Outline the structure, or impose one…
4. Draft:
Make something that flows…
5. Revise:
Consider, critique, and edit as needed…
Less Theory, More Practice
put options in front of users
Tight Feedback Loop
Test, Test, Test
Riding Sidesaddle*
Ugly Helps (Isolate Variables)
Use sketches & wireframes to focus on what’s important
UX sketch
UX wireframes with colors/fonts removed
Clickable wireframes
Creativity isn’t magic. It happens by applying ordinary tools of thought to existing materials.
—Kirby Ferguson, Everything is a Remix
copy, transform, combine
Kirby Ferguson, Everything is a Remix
Encourage Playfulness
“Spark & Slip”
Question Your Assumptions
Consider The Opposite
Use All The Tools
Unison, Harmony, & Dissonance
Look at Different Angles
Elements of Design
- Color
- Form
- Line
- Shape
- Space
- Texture
- Value
Viewpoints of Theater
- Spatial Relationship
- Kinesthetic Response
- Shape
- Gesture
- Repetition
- Architecture
- Tempo
- Duration
- Topography
Aspects of the Web?
- Size
- Browser
- Operating System
- Language
- Access Type (visual, audio, etc…)
- Interaction Type (mouse, touch, etc…)
- … ?
We need to be in the open mode when we’re pondering a problem, but once we come up with a solution, we must then switch to the closed mode to implement it.
—John Cleese
Iterate, Iterate, Iterate
You cannot create results. You can only create conditions in which something might happen.”
—Anne Bogart, A Director Prepares
Debby Levinson
Uncertainty Principles
Friday, June 28 @ 1pm