
Don’t Use My Grid System The Past & Future of Web Layout

Miriam Suzanne | @mirisuzanne | @oddbird


Don’t Use My Grid System The Past & Future of Web Layout

Boulder Python — February 12, 2019

OddBird Faces


Full-Service Consulting (with Python)

Some History…

How did we get here?

1993: HTML

Markup Language

1997: <table>

HTML 3.2

(╯'□')╯︵ ┻━┻



Limited Styling


Strict (non-linear) Markup


Accessibility Nightmare

“Code is Communication

—Sarah Drasner *

* (once)

Table Layouts Destroy Meaning

for both humans and machines…

1996 2000: Cascading Style Sheets

Principle of Least Power

CSS is Awesome (This is a Feature)

“Resilient, Declarative, Contextual”

Keith J. Grant

Writing CSS is effectively setting up a system of constraints.

don’t be fooled…

Declarative Syntax != Static Results

Dynamic Relationships

how is this going to change…?

…when the content changes?

…when the viewport changes?

…when the context changes?

! 👨

Go with the flow!

Change Me!
Next In Flow
Last In Flow

So… Position?

Relative positions have no effect on flow

Absolute positions remove from flow

Absolute/Fixed -> Overlays Only

off-canvas, drop-downs, tooltips, modals, etc…


float:left // float:right

Great for elements that should… float…

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Perspiciatis laudantium ea tenetur quas incidunt. Voluptatibus veritatis, rerum vitae illum, recusandae quis. Recusandae quisquam sunt id, eius debitis quos animi hic.
Last! (floating)

Requires ClearFix (Hack)

apply to any container element…

// "Micro" Clearfix Mixin
@mixin clearfix {
  &::after {
    clear: both;
    content: ' ';
    display: table;

// "Micro" Clearfix Class
.clearfix::after { /* same… */ }
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Perspiciatis laudantium ea tenetur quas incidunt. Voluptatibus veritatis, rerum vitae illum, recusandae quis. Recusandae quisquam sunt id, eius debitis quos animi hic.
Last! (floating)

display: flow-root

the new clearfix alternative, with very little support…


Flexible Markup & Nesting!


Explicit Widths

floats aren’t very smart about context…


not the worst hacks

Display: Table?

div (width 40%)

Works like a table, but maybe more semantic [permalink / source]

No Margins, Use border-padding

2007-2010: Major Grid Frameworks

Blueprint, OOCSS, 960gs, Susy, etc…

12 column grid, single axis

Span some of those columns!

Add a gutter on the right margin…

Remove the last margin in a row…

Classes Are The API

class="column col6of12 last"

960gs uses “split” gutters to avoid last


Provide Consistent Patterns

and take care of all the hacks…


Developers Can Ignore CSS


Developers Will Ignore CSS


One Size Fits No One

  1. Systems > Frameworks
  2. Fluid Grids
  3. Static (px) | Elastic (em) Containers


“Responsive” before Responsive™

Fluid Grid Math Sux

.grid-span {
  width: 23.7288136%;
  margin-right: 01.6949153%;
  padding-left: 08.4745763%;

target / context == multiplier

width: percentage(target / context)

Fluid Grid Math Sux

.grid-span {
  width: percentage(((3*4em) + (2*1em)) / ((12*4em) + (11*1em))); // 23.7288136%
  margin-right: percentage(1em / ((12*4em) + (11*1em))); // 01.6949153%
  padding-left: percentage(((1*4em) + (1*1em)) / ((12*4em) + (11*1em))); // 08.4745763%

Sass (2006) & Susy (2009)

.grid-span {
  width: span(3);
  margin-right: gutter();
  padding-left: span(1 wide);


Any Grid System, On Demand


Usually Overkill

DIY Grids…

1. Fix the Box Model

(IE got it right the first time)

Content-Box: total = width/height + borders + padding

Border-Box: total = width/height


Global Box-Sizing

* {
  box-sizing: border-box;


Fragile Box-Sizing

never inherit layout properties!

html {
  box-sizing: border-box;

* {
  box-sizing: inherit;

2. Remove Gutters from Grid Math

Use padding rather than margin

OOCSS uses fractions to keep math simple…

Fractions > Columns

percentage( target / context )

A no-framework Sass grid

3. Use the “NewToys

2011: calc()

Firefox 4

Mixed-Unit Calculations

calc( 16px + 20% )

2012: Flexbox

Chrome 21

three (out of order, with extra lorem ipsum content)

Global Flow

flex-direction: column; | flex-wrap: wrap;

Individual Sizing

grow, shrink, basis => flex: 1 2 auto;


-Grow & -Shrink Define Relationships!


Nesting Matters


Poor Page-Level Performance

2014: --css-variables

Firefox 31 (unless you count currentColor)

.example {
  --color: red;
  background: var(--red);


--aka: 'custom properties';

var( --property-name , fallback)

Sass Variables Scope

Based on Source File Structure

:root { $columns: 2; }
.nested-class { /* $columns == undefined */ }

@media (min-width: 30em) {
  :root { /* $columns == undefined */ }
  .nested-class { /* $columns == undefined */ }

CSS Variables Inherit

Based on DOM & Cascade

:root { --columns: 2; }
.nested-class { /* var(--columns) == 2 */ }

@media (min-width: 30em) {
  :root { --columns: 6; }
  .nested-class { /* var(--columns) == 6 */ }

Inherit Everywhere:

:root {
  --brand-color: hsl(330, 100%, 45%);

Don’t Inherit:

* {
  --brand-color: initial;

Safe Inline Styles

<button style="--color: blue;">

Use the Variable…

button {
  background: var(--color, red);

…or Ignore the Variable

button.green {
  background: green;

Avoid Nesting

button {
  background: blue

.this button {
  background: red;

…For Lower Specificity

button {
  background: var(--btn-color, blue);

.this {
  --btn-color: red;

Combine with calc()

* {
  --width: calc(var(--span) / var(--columns) * 100%);
  box-sizing: border-box;
  width: var(--width, initial);

.calc-gutters .item {
  --span: 1;
  float: left;
  padding: var(--gutters);

Media Queries

:root {
  --columns: 3;
  --gutters: 0.5em;

  @media (min-width: 50em) {
    --columns: 6;
    --gutters: 1em;


:root {
  --susy-columns: 1;
  --susy-gutters: 0.25;
  --susy-spread: -1;
  --susy-container-spread: -1;
/*   --susy-static-grid: 1; */
/*   --susy-debug-color: green; */

A Variable for Every Function

* {
  /* gutter output math */
  --su-inside-gutters: calc(
      var(--gutter-width) * var(--gutters-inside)

  --su-gutters-left: calc(
      var(--gutter-width) * var(--gutters-left)

Viewport Units

vw, vh, vmin, vmax

Full Height…

height: 100vh


min-height: 100vh

Breaking Out of the Container

calc( 50% - 50vw )

2017: CSS Grid

Firefox 52 & Chrome 57 & Safari 10

Nothing Like It

At All

The Spec is Complex

Getting Started Is Not

Truly Two-Dimensional Layouts

columns & rows! mixed units!

.container {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 300px 1fr minmax(30em, 50%) 10vw; /* mixed units! */
  grid-template-rows: 300px 300px 300px; /* repeat(3, 300px) */
  grid-gap: 10px;

with some content...

Grid lines 1-indexed and -1 in reverse (see dev tools) [permalink / source]

Grid-Items: By Line

.one {
  grid-column: 1 / 4;
  grid-row: 2 / span 2;

.two {
  grid-column: 2 / -1;
  grid-row: 1 / -2;

Global Flow && Sizing

With auto escape-hatch to element flow…

body {
  display: grid;
  grid-gap: 0.5em;
  grid-template-rows: auto 1fr auto;
  grid-template-columns: minmax(14em, auto) minmax(0, 1fr);

Named Areas

body {
  grid-template-areas: 'header header'
                       'nav main'
                       'footer footer';

h1 { grid-area: header; }
nav { grid-area: nav; }
main { grid-area: main; }
footer { grid-area: footer; }

Single Source of Truth

@media (max-width: 50em) {
  body {
    grid-template: 'header'

with some content...

Resize window to see media-query in action… [permalink / source]

% => relative to parent width

vw => relative to the viewport

fr => relative to available space

1fr == minmax(auto, 1fr)

use minmax(0, 1fr) to allow shrinking

2018: Intrinsic Web Design

Jen Simmons

Fluid & Fixed

Stages of Squishiness

  1. fixed
  2. fluid (fr)
  3. fluid-until-fixed (minmax() | flex-basis)
  4. flow (auto)

Nested Contexts

flexbox, grid, float, etc…

Expand & Contract Content

justify, wrap, flex, etc…

Media Queries, As Needed

repeat( auto-fit , minmax( 20em , 1fr ))

Data-Driven Layouts

<div style=" --start: 30; --duration: 60;">

Bar Charts

<dl class="chart" style="--scale: 100">
  <dt class="date">2000</dt>
  <dd class="bar" style="--value: 45">45%</dd>

  <dt class="date">2001</dt>
  <dd class="bar" style="--value: 100">100%</dd>

  <!-- etc… -->
.bar {
  --start: calc(var(--scale) + 1 - var(--value));
  grid-row-start: var(--start);
index value
0 53
1 10
2 21
3 2
4 44
5 31
6 12
7 6
8 37
9 22
10 41
11 37
12 8
13 73
14 15
name x value y value size == z value
item-0 44 66 8
item-1 93 85 17
item-2 38 88 1
item-3 21 62 15
item-4 10 64 24
item-5 30 4 14
item-6 36 55 22
item-7 86 74 19
item-8 35 91 7
item-9 69 23 5
item-10 99 88 9
item-11 71 34 13
item-12 66 83 22
item-13 91 48 7
item-14 26 69 20
item-15 97 70 19
item-16 40 19 24
item-17 96 96 1
item-18 52 57 5
item-19 89 61 12

Levitated Toy Factory at Beyond Tellerand

Lea Verou: Variables

video | slides

Rachel Andrew: gridbyexample.com

examples, templates, and fallbacks

CSS is Awesome

Inspired by Stacy Kvernmo [permalink / source]

Stay in touch…