
Agile Design Systems

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Miriam Suzanne | @mirisuzanne | @oddbird


Agile Design Systems

Agile Alliance — August 7, 2019

OddBird Faces

OddBird Web Consulting

Custom Apps, Design Systems, Refactors – since 2008

OddBird siblings (Jonny, Carl, and Miriam) in 1994







Design Systems

Style Guides + Tool Kits + Component Libraries + ???

Single Source of Truth

Potentially Cross-Application

even cross-platform…

Your Own Personal Bootstrap

Design Systems == Integration

Design & Code & Process & Tools && ???

You are not MailForce or InstaFace

(unless you are)

Similar Problems

Unique Constraints

(Team Size)

(Team Structure)

(Internal vs. Consulting)

(Web vs. OS-Specific)

(Is it 1970?)

OddBird Faces

Web Consulting

Designers + Developers + ???

How do you sell it to clients (or the boss)?

(We Don’t)

Since OddBird thinks about handoff from the beginning, maintenance has been super easy. For example, 100% unit test coverage was a given. I never had to ask for it.

—Sara Taillon, CTO at ORCAS

If it doesn’t have tests, it’s legacy code

—Carl Meyer

If it’s not documented, it doesn’t exist


If it’s not accessible, it doesn’t exist

—Also Me

Accessibility is a Basic Human Right

UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, Robust

Accessibility is For Everyone

long-term, temporary, situational, or robotic…

The Web is…

Accessible by Design

The Web…

Has a Mission

Web for all.

Web on everything.

World Wide Web Consortium, 1994

CERN first website, with line-mode browser simulation

The Web is…

Contextual by Design

The Web is…

Resilient by Design

The Web is…

Customizable by Design

The Web Model

Is User-Controlled By Design

HTML/CSS are Declarative

Too Many Variables

The fact we can control a paper page is really a limitation of that medium.

—John Allsopp, A Dao of Web Design (April 07, 2000)

Accessible == User Friendly

Use Built-In Tools

  Do a thing.

Fakes Are Not Robust

  Do a thing.

Provide Accessible Patterns

Document Accessible Uses

  1. Why Design Systems?
  2. Pattern Audit
  3. Start Small
  4. Define The API
  5. Integrated Agile Process

Existing Apps:

What Do We Have?

color stats from the VueConf website

font-size stats from the VueConf website

Take Screenshots

Organize into Groups

Image from Interface Inventory by Brad Frost

Image from From Pages to Patterns by Charlotte Jackson

All Apps:

What Do We Need?

  1. Why Design Systems?
  2. Pattern Audit
  3. Start Small
  4. Define The API
  5. Integrated Agile Process

Up-To-Date > Comprehensive

Start small, get it right, and expand…

Design Tokens

Abstract: broad reach, low specificity

Color Tokens

Color preview screenshot

Normal Triangle by Maslow Miriam

Cascading Style Sheets

Invented to create re-usable patterns

.warning { color: red; }

Sass Variables

$color-text-default: rgb(62, 62, 60);
$color-text-warning: rgb(255, 183, 93);
$color-text-error: rgb(194, 57, 52);

.example {
  background: $color-text-error;

👎 Not Meaningfully Organized

👎 Encourages One-Offs

👎 Difficult to Automate

YAML & Theo

    value: "rgb(62, 62, 60)"
    value: "rgb(255, 183, 93)"
    value: "rgb(194, 57, 52)"

  type: "color"
  category: "brand-colors"
    value: "7, 83%"
    value: "hsla({!vermilion}, 53%, 1)"
    value: "hsla({!vermilion}, 43%, 1)"

👍 Easier to Export from YAML

👎 Not A Style Language

Sass Maps

$text-colors: (
  'default': rgb(62, 62, 60),
  'warning': rgb(255, 183, 93),
  'error': rgb(194, 57, 52),

.example {
  background: color('error');

The Map Problem

$colors: (
  'brand-blue': hsl(195, 85%, 35%),
  'gray': desaturate(map-get($colors, 'brand-blue'), 80%),

[ERROR] Undefined variable: "$colors".

Map Self-Reference

$colors: (
  '_brand-pink': hsl(330, 85%, 68%),
  'escher': '#_brand-pink',
  'godel': '#escher',
  'bach': '#godel',
  'kevin bacon': '#bach' ('lighten': 20%),

color('kevin bacon')

Code is Communication

code {
  background: #d4e0e4;
  border: #92b1bc;
  color: #13323c;
code {
  background: mix($brand, #fff, 80%);
  border: mix($brand, #fff, 50%);
  color: mix($brand, #000, 50%);

Code Patterns Add Meaning

code {
  background: color('callout');
  border: color('border');
  color: contrast('callout');

👍 Meaningful Relationships!

👍 Encourages Patterns

👍 Functional Adjustments

👎 Requires Additional Tooling

Even More Layers

Global Settings » Theme Defaults » Component Details

$brand-colors: (
  '_brand-blue': hsl(195, 85%, 35%),
  '_brand-pink': hsl(330, 85%, 48%),

$theme-colors: (
  'text': …,
  'border': …,
  // ...

$button-colors: (
  'button-text': …,
  'button-border': …,
  // ...

CSS Custom Properties

:root {
  --color-text-default: rgb(62, 62, 60);
  --color-text-warning: rgb(255, 183, 93);
  --color-text-error: rgb(194, 57, 52);

.example {
  background: var(--color-text-error);

👍 Browser Native

👍 Live Themes

👍 Cascading is Awesome

👎 Not Meaningfully Organized

👎 Encourages One-Offs

👎 Difficult to Automate(?)


Worth Some Effort?

Know The Trade-Offs

adjust to your needs…

  1. Why Design Systems?
  2. Pattern Audit
  3. Start Small
  4. Define The API
  5. Integrated Agile Process


Copy & Paste

class="slds-icon slds-icon-text-warning slds-icon--x-small"

Related Classes => Data Attributes

icon color and size classes


.slds-icon-text-default | .slds-icon-text-warning | .slds-icon-text-error

HTML Template Logic is Great

pre-processors for your markup!

Example: Vue

<icon :image="isSuccess ? 'checkmark' : 'x'">

Components Provide Meaning

<my-icon name="gear" />

SLDS React => Component Library

Install the package on npm…

✅ type


✅ purpose



  1. Why Design Systems?
  2. Pattern Audit
  3. Start Small
  4. Define The API
  5. Integrated Agile Process

“Less Theory, More Practice

Less Mockups, More Code

Ugly Helps Communicate

Isolate variables to focus on what’s important

Iterate on Features/Epics

sketch » wire-frame » html markup » back-end » design

Test, Test, Test

Tight Feedback Loop

“Move Fast & Fix Things

Everyone is responsible & collaborating

Make Patterns & Documentation

The Lazy Option

Automate from Structured Code

OddBird’s Herman is based on SassDoc syntax

// SLDS Colors
// -----------
/// These are the colors we stole from SLDS system,
/// in order to create a demo.
/// @group color
/// @colors
$slds-colors: (
  'text-default': rgb(62, 62, 60),
  'text-warning': rgb(255, 183, 93),
  'text-error': rgb(194, 57, 52),

/// @colors

Herman Colors

/// @sizes

Herman Scale

/// @sizes {ruler}

Herman Ruler

/// @ratios

Herman Ratios

/// @icons templates/icons/

Herman Icons

Herman Components

/// Navigation items, with inactive and active states.
/// @group nav
/// @example njk
///   {% import 'nav.macros.njk' as nav %}
///   {{ nav.bar(active="dashboard", items=[…]) }}
.nav-bar {
  /* … */

Herman Component


Sass-First Breaks Down…

Only Nunjucks For Now…

VueDS (with Theo)

Vue Design Systems

VueDS Components

  <nav-bar active="Dashboard" :navItems="[…]"/>

VueDS Component

I Want Both :)


Design System as Artifact

Code is a Single Source of Truth

  1. Why Design Systems?
  2. Pattern Audit
  3. Start Small
  4. Define The API
  5. Integrated Agile Process

Up-To-Date > Comprehensive

Start small, make it easy, and expand…

Meaningful & Structured Code

Readable by Humans & Machines

Inline Documentation

Helps the human factors…

Agile & Integrated Process

Everyone shares a single-source…

Stay in touch…